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长滩 Downtown



Student Health Services

School Support Services

长滩, CA 90810

(562) 997-8644

Student Health Services - 工作人员

联系 电话/地址 Position / Responsibility
(562) 986-6870 x.457-1248 项目专家
Student Health Services
(562) 986-6870 x.457-1248 引导护士
Student Health Services
(562) 986-6870 x.457-1248 引导护士
Student Health Services
(562) 986-6870 x.457-1248 员工的秘书

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Student Health Services

学生 who attend schools in the 长滩 Unified School District are fortunate to have access to the services of a credentialed school nurse. Every school nurse is a registered nurse (R.N.) who strengthens and facilitates the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of children. The major focus of nursing services is the prevention of illness and disability, as well as the early detection and correction of health problems.


Some of the services provided by Student Health Services are:

  • 视觉和听觉
  • Immunizations verification
  • Health and developmental assessments and evaluations of 学生 to identify specific physical disorders and other factors relating to the learning process
  • Communication with primary care providers
  • Individual Health care plan design and implementation, incorporating plans directed by a physician, to meet the needs of the student
  • Interpretation of medical and nursing findings appropriate to the student’s individual education plan and recommendations to personnel directly involved
  • In-service training resource person to teachers, administrators, and staff
  • Student and parent counseling regarding health related attendance problems
  • Assistance to parents, 学生, and school staff to understand and adjust to physical, mental and social limitations
  • Provides age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate care in a culturally and ethically sensitive manner.
  • Participates in or initiate strategies that promote an emotionally and physically healthy school culture.
  • Functions as a liaison between the family, school and community.

Student Health Services Forms